

Fanø Golf

Denmark's oldest links course is located on Fanø. A challenging 18-hole course that, in terms of layout and scenery, bears a striking resemblance to many of the famous, classic Scottish courses.

Fanø Golf Links
At Fanø you will find Denmark's oldest golf course, which is also the only true links course in Denmark.

The golf course at Fanø Bad. The course was built in 1898 as the first golf course in Denmark. Fanø Golfklub forms the setting for many open matches, where guests are very welcome to participate.

As part of the Wadden Sea National Park and UNESCO World Heritage, Fanø is one of the most protected areas in Denmark.

It's almost impossible to see if you don't know it. The low areas in the dune landscape are fairways, and the dunes are rough. It is nature's own golf course, and the tees on the dune tops open up a breathtaking view of the island with the North Sea rushing in the background.

The British golf magazine Golf World has named the course the fourth best links course on the European mainland. And according to golfclubatlas.com, Fanø Golf Links ranks among the 20 naturally most raw and genuine courses in the whole world.

For more information please check: Fanø Golf Links