

Shopping experiences in a cozy atmosphere.

Westwind Fanø

Large selection of sports and leisure clothing in Nordby

Slagter Christiansen (butcher shop)

Slagter Christiansen's store on Fanø has existed since 1994 and produces and sells quality products all over Denmark.


Fashion clothes for ladies of all ages

Fanø Blomster (Flower Shop)

With us you will find a wide selection of, among other things, cut flowers, green indoor and outdoor plants and practical art. Our skilled employees tie just the bouquet you want. We are a member of interflora.


We sell exclusive silver jewelery from Aganza and products made of cork. The only one of its kind in Denmark

Superbrugsen Nordby (Supermarket)

In the island's leading grocery store, you will find both fresh produce, colonial, special departments, a large staffed butcher department and delicatessen.

Spar Supermarket

Spar Fanø is located on Strandvejen in the western part of Nordby, close to the beach at Fanø Bad

Fanø Boghandel (Bookstore & Post Office)

Bookstore in Nordby with books, stationery and much more. The store also serves as the island's post office


Lumber and Building Market selling: kitchenware, firewood, garden supplies, everything in building supplies, masonry/carpentry supplies, plumbing/electrical supplies, wood protection and paint.

Fanø Spirits

Based on the island's proud maritime culture, Fanø Spirits has developed their award-winning Ship Room. Fanø Skibsrom is distilled in Jamaica and subsequently refined at Fanø. Can be bought in selected shops on Fanø

Fri Bike Shop
Den lille ravbutik
Fanø Laks (Producer of Smoked Salmon)
Huset Fanø
Fru Sørensen
Butik 66
Fanø Vaffel og Bolsjehus
Fanø Apotek (Pharmacy)
Frk. Toft Keramik
Fanø Keramik


Fårene er grundlaget for gårdbutikken og værkstedet. Der har været arbejdet med fåreavl siden 1970 og med gotlandske pelsfår siden 1984


På Fanøs sydspids i det idylliske Sønderho ligger butikken Silken. Designer og indehaver Jane Heinemann, har siden 1985 forhandlet eget design i de skønneste silker.


Fanøs eneste ravsmed med arbejdende værksted og stort udvalg af ravsmykker

Sønderho Gårdbutik

I butikken finder du lækkert og mørt kød fra Skotsk Højlandskvæg af egen avl. Kvæget går på vores økologiske marker tæt ved gården, de er ude hele året og det kan smages.

Dagli'Brugsen Sønderho

Det eneste Supermarked i sønderho med stort udvalg 

Fanø Bolsjer
Lorenzens Butik

Nyform Fanø

At NY FORM we have sportswear, casual wear, outerwear and footwear at unsportsmanlike prices - here you can find clothes and shoes for the whole family.

Club Fanø

Kite shop, activity center and bike rental 200 m from the beach.

Fanø Lys

Fanø Angus & Merino

Farm shop with Angus beef and Merino lamb


Kunstladen has existed since 1968. We sell "everything between heaven and earth" within gift items, handicrafts and clothing.

Club Fanø

Large selection of kites and beach equipment. Rental of bicycles, SUP and much more

Rindby Supermarked

A wide selection of conventional and organic groceries, a wine department, a well-stocked hardware department, a butcher with its own production facilities and its own bakery

Fanø Strandgalleri